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Learning Commons



September 2024

Date Title
13 Sep 2024 Learning Commons (LC) Opening Hours on the upcoming Public Holiday
13 Sep 2024 THEi Library Service Workshop
09 Sep 2024 HKUST One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition Guangzhou cum 2024
03 Sep 2024 The essential skills for degree level study

August 2024

Date Title
30 Aug 2024 New Books Arrival (Sep 2024) Sep
30 Aug 2024 Learning Commons (LC) Opening Hours during Term Time
29 Aug 2024 Mainland Students Orientation Day
20 Aug 2024 New Student Orientation
16 Aug 2024 Briefing for staff on LCDI services and facilities
14 Aug 2024 北京理工大學 鄒美帥副校長 率領代表團到訪高科院學習共享空間及展覽館
02 Aug 2024 內地生入學資訊線上發佈會(24-25學年)

July 2024

Date Title
17 Jul 2024 張家界航空工業職業技術學院 魏道德副校長 率領代表團到訪高科院學習共享空間及展覽館
15 Jul 2024 Learning Commons (LC) Summer Holidays Opening Hours
13 Jul 2024 The Second THEi - Lions Clubs Enterprise Start-Up Competition - Award Presentation Ceremony
08 Jul 2024 中華基督教會基道中學學生到訪高科院學習共享空間

June 2024

Date Title
21 Jun 2024 THEi - Good Habits Games for Enhancing Learning Experience Competition Award Presentation
17 Jun 2024 Learning Commons (LC) will be closed on the upcoming Public Holiday
14 Jun 2024 2024莞港高校師生文化教育交流團閉幕活動
12 Jun 2024 2024莞港高校師生文化教育交流團開幕活動
07 Jun 2024 廣州南洋理工職業學院 胡庭勝黨委書記 率領代表團到訪高科院學習共享空間及展覽館
03 Jun 2024 A delegation of Prof Kate Sugden, Deputy Dean of the School of Engineering & Applied Science of Aston University, and Dr Sylvia Wong, Associate Dean International, Deputy Programme Director for MSc in Computer Science of Aston University, visited Learning Commons and Exhibition Hall.

May 2024

Date Title
20 May 2024 Learning Commons (LC) Opening Hours during Semester Break and upcoming Public Holidays
09 May 2024 賽馬會官立中學學生參觀高科院學習共享空間
06 May 2024 Facilities Upgrade at the Learning Commons
03 May 2024 New Books Arrival (May 2024) May

April 2024

Date Title
26 Apr 2024 東莞宏揚教育集團 楊宏董事長 及 香港培訓師中心 吳光新博士 率領代表團到訪高科院學習共享空間
25~26 Apr 2024 順德鄭裕彤中學學生參觀高科院展覽館
25 Apr 2024 鳳溪第一中學老師及學生參觀高科院學習共享空間
23 Apr 2024 A delegation of The Higher Education Advisory Committee (HEAC) Members visited Learning Commons
19 Apr 2024 蘇州百年職業學院 李世明校長,張麗副校長,蘇州民辦教育協會 馬駿會長,香港翰橋國際教育 李宇迪執行總監,到訪高科院學習共享空間及展覽館
17 Apr 2024 Learning Commons (LC) will be closed on the upcoming Public Holidays
17 Apr 2024 明愛胡振中中學學生到訪高科院學習共享空間
12 Apr 2024 北京青苗國際雙語學校 張瀚予老師及張天澤老師率領學生及家長到訪高科院學習共享空間及展覽館
10 Apr 2024 廣東文理職業學院 劉明貴校長率領代表團到訪高科院學習共享空間
09 Apr 2024 酋長岩大鼻子(El Capitan,The Nose)攀岩旅程分享會
08 Apr 2024 香港培道中學學生到訪高科院學習共享空間
08 Apr 2024 A delegation led by Prof Tom Baldock, Head of School, for the School of Civil Engineering of the University of Queensland, visited Exhibition Hall.
02 Apr 2024 New Books Arrival (April 2024) Apr
02 Apr 2024 Introducing Our New Magazine Corner

March 2024

Date Title
13 Mar 2024 香港培道中學學生到訪高科院學習共享空間
13 Mar 2024 Motivational Guest Speaker – World Cocktail Championship 2023 Mr Leo Ko, the Director of Beverage of Cordis, Hong Kong
09 Mar 2024 Bring Digital Construction & Building Services to Campus – Technical Webinar & Competition Briefing
08 Mar 2024 The Second THEi – Lions Clubs Enterprise Start-Up Competition – Shoot for the Moon Series
06 Mar 2024 Learning Common Workshop: Intellectual Property — Something YOU’VE Got to know
06 Mar 2024 A delegation led by Brett Stevens, Commissioner to Greater China, State Government of Victoria, Australia, visited Exhibition Hall
05 Mar 2024 A delegation of students and parents from the Meizhong Education (深圳市美中學校) visited Learning Commons and Exhibition Hall
02 Mar 2024 2024-03-02 THEi Cultural Immersion Programme – The stories of Hong Kong Past and Future
02 Mar 2024 Learning Commons (LC) will be closed on the upcoming Public Holidays
01 Mar 2024 New Books Arrival (March 2024) Mar

February 2024

Date Title
29 Feb 2024 Students from Youth College International visited Learning Commons
28 Feb 2024 Unleashing the Power of Technology and AI: Revolutionizing Education and Enhancing Teaching
27 Feb 2024 MOU Signing Ceremony between THEi and YGH (Youth of Guangzhou and Hong Kong Association)
26 Feb 2024 聖公會蔡功譜中學學生到訪高科院學習共享空間
23 Feb 2024 Launching of The Second THEi – Lions Clubs Enterprise Start-Up Competition
22 Feb 2024 四川長江職業學院韓瑾先生率領其代表團到訪高科院學習共享空間及展覽館
06 Feb 2024 A delegation led by Dr SONG Aotian(宋驁天博士), C.E.O. of Shenzhen Leadus Industry Co. Ltd, visited Exhibition Hall
02 Feb 2024 Learning Commons (LC) Opening Hours for upcoming Public Holidays
02 Feb 2024 New Books Arrival (February 2024) Feb

January 2024

Date Title
29 Jan 2024 Introduction to Design Thinking Workshop
26 Jan 2024 高等院校上海展示會組委會主任陝陽忠先生率領其代表團到訪高科院學習共享空間及展覽館
23 Jan 2024 清遠職業技術學院機械工程學院院長陸紅光先生率領其代表團到訪高科院展覽館
22 Jan 2024 Learning Commons E-Resources
19 Jan 2024 Services Suspension due to suspension of the electricity supply of THEi Chai Wan campus for main switchboards maintenance
17 Jan 2024 A delegation led by Mr James Yap , Principal of HTI/CCI/ICI, visited Learning Commons
15 Jan 2024 Sandy Wave Photography Competition
12 Jan 2024 THEi Staff Retreat : Niches for Sustainability

December 2023

Date Title
14 Dec 2023 Kowloon Tong School (Secondary Section) visited Learning Commons
11 Dec 2023 Prize Presentation Ceremonies for WorldSkills Hong Kong Competition 2023
11 Dec 2023 The 12th Guangzhou / Hong Kong / Macao / Chengdu Youth Skills Competition
11 Dec 2023 A delegation led by Mr David Agnew, President of Seneca Polytechnic, visited Learning Commons
09 Dec 2023 敘事繪畫治療學院X心靈藝術治療學會 - 怪獸,你好!從一幅畫關注孩童情緒健康
06 Dec 2023 A delegation of Jiangmen Polytechnic (江門職業學院) visited Learning Commons and Exhibition Hall
06 Dec 2023 A delegation of NCVT (國際經濟與貿易專業) visited Exhibition Hall
06 Dec 2023 Workshop on Teamwork
06 Dec 2023 Learning Commons (LC) Opening Hours during Semester Break and upcoming Public Holidays
01 Dec 2023 CIFU Research Symposium
01 Dec 2023 New Books Arrival (December 2023) Dec

November 2023

Date Title
30 Nov 2023 A delegation led by Dr Arnim Heinemann, Senior Executive Director of International Office, University of Bayreuth, visited Exhibition Hall
28 Nov 2023 温州商學院唐若副校長率領其代表團到訪高科院展覽館
27 Nov 2023 東莞理工學院機械工程學院院長孫振忠教授率領其代表團到訪高科院展覽館
23 Nov 2023 HOM Student Bartender Competition 2023
22 Nov 2023 Game for Enhancing Learning
22 Nov 2023 Workshop on Teamwork
21 Nov 2023 Student Forum
20 Nov 2023 Exhibition in LC (Nov 2023)
15 Nov 2023 Sharing on Outdoor Experiential Learning
14 Nov 2023 廣東科技學院校長梁瑞雄先生率領其代表團到訪高科院展覽館
03 Nov 2023 廣州工商學院國際教育學院張健副院長,國際教育學院招生與項目管理辦李權桓副主任,澳門旅遊學院持續教育學校林靜芝校長到訪高科院展覽館
03 Nov 2023 New Books Arrival (November 2023) Nov

October 2023

Date Title
26 Oct 2023 山東省濟南市政協副主席王京文先生率領其代表團到訪高科院展覽館
18 Oct 2023 Dr SO Kwok-sang, Former Secretary General of Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, Mr PK CHIU, Former Director of General Administration of Hong Kong Baptist University and Ms Rowena LI, Former Director of Corporate Public Relations Office of Hong Kong Baptist University, visited the Exhibition Hall
16 Oct 2023 黃淮學院副校長王東雲教授率領其代表團到訪高科院學習共享空間
13 Oct 2023 Students of Cognitio College (文理書院) visited Learning Commons
12 Oct 2023 Learning Commons (LC) Opening Hours for the upcoming Public Holiday
12 Oct 2023 Students of Ling Liang Church M H Lau Secondary School (靈糧堂劉梅軒中學) visited Learning Commons
12 Oct 2023 A delegation led by Mr Kevin Wellman, Chief Executive Officer, CIPHE – UK, visited the Exhibition Hall
11 Oct 2023 Mainland Student Orientation Day
06 Oct 2023 New Books Arrival (October 2023) Oct
04 Oct 2023 Students of Society of Boys' Centres Shing Tak Centre School (香港扶幼會盛德中心學校) visited Learning Commons
03 Oct 2023 Workshop on Memory Technique

September 2023

Date Title
26 Sep 2023 福州新區黨工委專職委員,福州新區閩港合作咨委會秘書長程小馬先生率領其代表團到訪高科院展覽館
19 Sep 2023 Learning Advising Workshop - The Essential Skills for Degree-Level Study
19 Sep 2023 A delegation led by Mr. Arjen van den Berg, Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hong Kong, visited the Exhibition Hall.
18 Sep 2023 A delegation led by Mr John Molony, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Vice President (International), Deakin University, Australia, visited the Exhibition Hall.
12 Sep 2023 Learning Commons (LC) Opening Hours for the upcoming Public Holidays
7 Sep 2023 四川文化產業職業學院秦勉院長率領代表團到訪高科院學習共享空間及展覽館
7 Sep 2023 A fashion industrial partner from Shenzhen visited the Exhibition Hall

August 2023

Date Title
31 Aug 2023 New Books Arrival (August 2023) Aug
31 Aug 2023 A delegation of the Jiangmen District Government (江門市人才工作局) visited the Exhibition Hall
29 Aug 2023 THEi高科院內地生迎新資訊日
29 Aug 2023 A delegation led by Hon CHU Kwok-keung, Functional Constituency – Education, Legislative Council Member, visited the Exhibition Hall
28 Aug 2023 A delegation from the Hong Kong Federation of Innovative Technologies and Manufacturing Industries (FITMI) visited the Exhibition Hall
25 Aug 2023 Learning Commons (LC) opening hours for AY2023/24
22~23 Aug 2023 Freshmen of THEi visited Learning Commons during the New Student Orientation 2023
22 Aug 2023 Teachers of The Church of Christ in China Kwei Wah Shan College (中華基督教會桂華山中學) visited Learning Commons
22 Aug 2023 佛山市順德區區委常委梁偉沛副區長率領其代表團到訪高科院展覽館
2 Aug 2023 A delegation of the Department of Education, Hebei Province, visited Exhibition Hall

July 2023

Date Title
31 Jul 2023 儷願(上海)貿易有限公司創始人吳艷女士率領其代表團到訪高科院展覽館
18 Jul 2023 Learning Commons (LC) Summer Holidays Opening Hours
13 Jul 2023 Students of Chan Shu Kui Memorial School (陳樹渠紀念中學) visited Learning Commons
11 Jul 2023 廣東輕工職業技術學院伍劍琴教授率領其代表團到訪高科院學習共享空間及展覽館
4 Jul 2023 Mr Roy LO Wa-kei, Chairman of VTC Accountancy Training Board and members visited Learning Commons
4 Jul 2023 Students of Ho Dao College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) (嗇色園主辦可道中學) visited Learning Commons

June 2023

Date Title
30 Jun 2023 A delegation from Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (深圳信息職業技術學院) visited Learning Commons
30 Jun 2023 Mr Alex YUEN, Senior Project Director, Meta Metopia Technology Company Ltd., 5 Institute Representatives from Shandong Province and one guest from Lingnan University visited Learning Commons
28 Jun 2023 Learning Commons (LC) will be closed on the upcoming Public Holiday.
23 Jun 2023 A Tuen Mun District Secondary School Heads Association delegation attended the programme introduction of THEi in the Exchange Atrium and visited Learning Commons
21 Jun 2023 A delegation led by Professor Duncan BENTLEY, Vice-Chancellor and President of Federation University, Australia, visited Learning Commons and Exhibition Hall.
16 Jun 2023 Potential students from Mainland China visited Learning Commons
15 Jun 2023 山東省教育廳辦公室副主任王剛先生率領其代表團到訪高科院學習共享空間及展覽館錄
12 Jun 2023 Learning Commons (LC) will be closed on the upcoming Public Holiday.
5 Jun 2023 Guests from NewChannel International Education Group Limited and Colleagues of the Mainland and International Affairs Office visited Learning Commons
6 Jun 2023 Interlibrary Loan Service MOU Signing with the Caritas Institute of Higher Education
5 Jun 2023 Guests from NewChannel International Education Group Limited and Colleagues of the Mainland and International Affairs Office visited Learning Commons
1 Jun 2023

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May 2023

Date Title
31 May 2023 Guests from the District Office (Eastern), representatives from various departments of the Government of the HKSAR, and the District Youth Community Building Committee visited Learning Commons
31 May 2023 New Books Arrival (May 2023) May
23 May 2023 Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services MOU Signing with the Hong Kong Shue Yan University
23 May 2023 Learning Commons (LC) Summer Semester Opening Hours
16 May 2023 A Department of Education of Henan Province delegation visited Learning Commons
10 May 2023 Interlibrary Loan Service MOU Signing with the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

April 2023

Date Title
28 Apr 2023 New Books Arrival (April 2023) April

March 2023

Date Title
29 Mar 2023 Welcome to LC to enjoy the virtual driving experience!
  • For more news & events click [here