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LC Programme #5

Programme #5 Smart Workplace

About the Programme

Smart Workplace Programme is offered by THEi Learning Commons. This programme aims to promote the skill for an intelligent workplace and the services supporting to THEi staff.


Target Participants

The programme is designed for all THEi academic staff / THEi staff.



The programme objectives are as follows:

  • To enable staff to have tools for more efficient working
  • To promote technology and digitalization come into use in the workplace


Programme Learning Outcomes

It is intended that by the end of this programme, participants will be able:

  • To identify the tools of using technology for more efficient working in the workplace
  • To create a rich electronic environment to be agilely changing workplace
  • To make everyday work easier and working more user-friendly, and helps staff to focus on the task at hand 


Programme Structure

Programme Structure

The programme is in modular-based to reflect on participants' learning and teaching. It is a face-to-face or online learning module.


Mode of Delivery

A range of teaching and learning activities such as online facilitation, webinar, lectures, experience sharing, discussions, and hands-on computer-based learning would be used.


Completion Requirement

Participating staff will be awarded Continuous Professional Development (CPD) hours and the record will be uploaded centrally by the HR.

Also, participants will be awarded an electronic Certificate of Attendance of the workshop.


Module 1: Document Portal & Sharing: Introduction to SharePoint

It shares and manage content , knowledge, and applications to empower teamwork, quickly find information, and collaborate across the organization

You can securely share work, manage document storage, track versions, and even request approvals against document changes.


Module 2: Cloud Storage and Documentation Tools: OneDrive & Office 365 (Word & Excel)

OneDrive allows users to store files and data like Windows settings in the cloud. Also, it allows share files and sync files across mobile devices.

Office 365 combines the apps, build and share content from any device, anytime, anywhere.


Module 3: Paperless Documentation: Adobe Acrobat e-Form / Office 365 Form

An electronic form is built around layout, formatting, and images remain intact, so you can feel confident that your electronic forms will look exactly like your paper forms.


Module 4: Collaboration: Teams & MS Office

Microsoft office makes a modern workplace to communicate, collaborate, and improve productivity across the team and organization.


Module 5. Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate is built based on Microsoft platform which provides a seamless experience of automation. Save yourself from mundane tasks and raise your daily productivity. Once you design a workflow for your tasks, the Power Automate will work for you.




For enquiries, please contact:

THEi-Learning Commons

Tel: 3890-8026
